Our Research & CoE Practices

Our Strengths in Research

Trusted Agritech Strategy Advisors and Innovative Technology Partners

We envisage, innovate, transform, manage sustainable Agriculture and technology services models in the market place. We drive business outcomes driven world-class enterprise architectures.


We are focussed agriculture and technology firm.

  • Accelerators and Assets engineered for Agriculture domain.
  • Lean Operating Models and Architecture Teams.
  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning architecture practices for research led initiatives.

Our Research PLATFORM

Data driven insights are critical to enhance forming experience, managing risk, financial health and productivity. Our platform helps to track your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Metrics and Business Data with insightful Dashboards and Reports. It also provides insights based on the Agriculture Domain Framework, for informed decision making in dimensions including Farming, Effectiveness and Efficiency.

Our R & D Practices, Offerings & Products

We develop,execute and maintain IT strategy. We bring together our standard processes, tools and templates to deliver the most impactful business outcomes

We research, strategize and advise investment on emerging technologies that matters to Argi Industries.

Working with Global Agri Research Organizations, we know that the right strategy is what makes things happen.

Technology has transformed the way do forming. But we knew it was coming long before. That’s why we started working on harnessing the power of Agritech computing for a decade now, focusing on  solutions to use the explosive power and speed of AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

Data driven insights are critical to enhance forming experience, managing risk, financial health and productivity. Our platform AGRIINTELLECT helps to track your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Metrics and Business Data with insightful Dashboards and Reports. It also provides insights based on the Agriculture Domain Framework, for informed decision making in dimensions including Farming, Effectiveness and Efficiency.

Our Research Partnters

Co-innovate with Agritech

Build Competitive Differentiation by collaborating with us. Let us drive Agriculture Innovation together for future generations. Our Researchers Data Scientists and Agriculture domain experts work in connected world for sustainable solutions.

Contact Agritech Innovations Pvt. Ltd.

Get in Touch: Contact form for inquiries, partnerships, collaborations, and policy consultations.

Let’s Start a Conversation
Ready to transform agriculture and shape evidence-based policies for a sustainable future? Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your agricultural and policy goals. Whether you have a question, need assistance, or want to explore partnership opportunities or policy consultations, our team is here to help. Connect with us via email, phone, or social media to start the conversation.

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Agritech Innovations Pvt. Ltd.

Unit A – 205, Sri Lakshmi Shubham Arcade
Chanda Nagar, Hyderabad – 500 050

Phone: +91-8019793112

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